If Toaru girls change their surnames, what new surname would they use the most?
How many Oromos are Muslims in percentage now?
What if Hinata did this to Naruto?
Do you still like/love Kakashi?
Do you think Hina x Hodaka is well built couple?
What if Misaka Misuzu falls in love with Touma?
How would Misaka beat Misaki in getting Touma?
Misaka is doing fine with Touma.
Misaka is doing great.
What are your key reasons for Kamikoto?
How do Russian People thought about Buryatia?
Obedient Girls asking Touma for Attention.
Why is Misaki so subservient to Touma?
What do you think about Sora?
How many Madara x Mei shippers here?
How would Misaka prevent Touma from NTR?
Do you all still miss Konan?
What does Russians think of South Kuril Islands?
Is Islam the fastest growing religion in Russia?
Do you all still Miss Neji?
What are your hypothetical rating of Year 3?
Why do you hate/love Ayanokoji?
What is the current situation and future of KiyoKei relationship?