what to wear to an AW concert?
Franks story 😭
What is this and why can’t I listen to it?
MCR in Quinn Allman’s new book
Mentioned to a friend I love greenday and I got this 🥹
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Tattoo?
what was your top listened MCR song this year?
it was one of the first MCR songs i started listening to this year 😭
PTV Chicago confirmed
Remember, we aren't r/MyChemicalRomance, this sub is a safe space from toxicity and hopefully a bastion of positivity
saw this while in nashville today???
bracelets/kandi i've made so far! :))
guess my age/gender/sexuality!!
i wish y’all could show him this love and understanding while he was still alive
pick a number between 1 and 14,811 & i’ll give you a song from my liked songs
Guess my age/gender/favorite color
pick a number between 1 and 3,711 & i’ll give you a song from my liked songs
based on my main playlist, what other artists and songs do you recommend!!
you're never talking to me or my ___ ever again!
Concert proposal 11/30 UPDATE
Guess my Age/Gender/Sexuality
guess my height and shoe size!!
To the girls next to me 11/29