What benzo do you think should be available for use in the US that are available in other counties?
What can I do rn in my house that gets me high asf
Some of the more darker interactions between ND’s and NT’s
I don’t think so
My world exists in silence…
“Observing life from the outside,
“I barely leave the house anymore”
“In a world of noise”
“I’ll save for later”
“Normal is overrated”
“It is isn’t it”
What’s one more
“selective interaction”
Maximal freedom
Hey, dog..
“Defying gravity: Man and machine soar to new heights!”
And that’s okay
What are some old-fashioned views about bisexuality that were misguided but came from well-meaning intentions?
This is true
Xanax and weed vs clonzapam and weed? What’s your best combo?
Don’t need ‘em
Cheer up??
How many of us were raised by alcoholics/ addicts?
What is better for muscle relaxation?
Am I being overly sensitive?