Contrary to popular belief what is actually not that bad as people claim to be?
How old are you and what were you doing in your life this exact day 42 years ago on Jan 25 1983?
Who do you think is more evil?
Male (24) Is it normal to not get hard/aroused after taking ssri?
Does anyone feel that they can perform better at work after taking zoloft?
Does anyone feel like their parents set them up to fail in life?
What are some quotes from that really made you stop and decide "from now on I'm going to change my life for the better?
People who no longer speak to their siblings what caused the estrangement?
6 years sober of alcohol and friend gave me a wine for my birthday
For your mental health what is something you avoid and have better mental health because of it?
Who do you think is more evil between these two?
Does your parents act like nothing happened everything is fine and then gaslights you when you confront them?
What are things people do in public that immediately make you judge them/dislike them
What is a life saving fact that can save one's life?
What is biggest high school regrets?
Does Anyone Find That They Have Not Been The Same Person Ever Since 2020?
DAE feel like they have been worse ever since 2020?
Stop seeking validation from others
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Do anyone feel this?