On the verge of a shutdown as I post this.
Purchased three books from a seller, each shipped separately, one is INAD, but never had tracking added.
My mom didn't get old.
Anyone else here drink (beer) one a week to cry?
Am I ugly?
What is your current special interest?
Be honest -help!
Autism and Driving… Am I Alone?
Is anyone else so much more invested in Cobra than GI Joe?
Pretty much my whole life.
i hate “the real world” talk
why does this keep happening to me
Where do we go from here?
Wife got me the gift I said I didnt want
Has Star Wars been uniquely mismanaged? Or is there something more to it?
TIL It's illegal to own gerbils, ferrets and hamsters as a pet in Hawaii.
Did your nparent(s) ever have reactions to your wrongdoings that were completely disproportionate to what happened?
Guys who are miserable, how do you cope?
Update: My girlfriend’s parents surprised me with a visit overseas.. I’m considering breaking up with her
AITA for accidentally catching my brother’s girlfriend in a lie?
I am curious if you get compliments
eBay buyer asking me for a “realistic price.”
My mom wont let me sleep
Anyone else love the Super7 figures?