I can’t express my appreciation for this community and its mods enough.
AITA for Ruining My Family’s New Year’s Eve by Refusing to “Join the Fun” Because I Didn’t Want to Be the DD Again? [Short] [Concluded]
I think this woman is using me for free-childcare [Short]
I'm driving 5 hours to met a woman I've been chatting with for 3 days [Short] [Concluded]
A success story to warm your crusty hearts - we met on this sub!
Season 2 had the best idea for the whodunit's identity
AITA for requiring destination wedding guests to only book through our block (and not their timeshare)? [
My (37F) BF (40) Uninvited Me to Christmas But Wants Me to Leave Expensive Gifts [Concluded]
Everything in my house is turning green
AITA for not supporting my wife's decision to punish our son & letting him go to a party that will be tonight? [Short] [New Update]
Constantly bickering yet attached-at-the-hip (the more chaotic and childish the better)
Friendship ended because of friend’s vegan wife
New Year, Same BORU! Jan'25 - Story Suggestion Megathread
Kittens inside the bonnet -- how to get them out?
If Kim Jun-hee/player 222's baby is born while in the games...
AIOR about an incident that happened to my daughter at school [Concluded]
WIBTA for telling my son to wear NOT his favourite jacket anymore because it "looks gay"? [Final Update]
Worst euphemisms for ✨anatomical✨ parts?
Neil Gaiman Faces New Sexual Assault Allegations
This review made me instantly download a book
AITAH for being upset that I found out my wife was pregnant via social media? [New Update]