Can I not drain sand, but excavate away to the Unknown level?
Everyone asks WHAT the trolley’s doing, no one asks HOW the trolley’s doing.
I failed this part of fluid dynamics
Question about sound
A flerf's Black Friday
A space denier's Black Friday
which method for farming is better?
Tell me you can see it
Serious question
Topology Nightmare
I befuddled my Mom today, and almost died.
It's underneath the periodic table
No idea if I’m asexual or not 😭help?
Simple anti-buffering mass storage (details in comments)
The REAL reason Tweedle is not on the magical islands (warning: sad)
I need a little help with understanding sexual attraction.
Chinese Word for "Arcade" - "Video Game Arcade"
Krusty Krab Plan
randomly came across this on facebook marketplace, does it remind you of something?
Create Idea: Pneumatic tube systems - Would they fit?
What even is kissing?
Fireplace Build Idea Update, Took some of y'alls advice! (Still open to ideas or Improvements!)
Is this an appropriate name for a character?
Where to find resin