CQS Checker - Dedicated Thread
Redditors, what was your “I’m getting old” moment?
What should you do if you're called "fat"?
Who calls you everyday to make sure you're okay?
Which smoke sesh you joining?
What if your phone just vanished for a day?
it is what it is
Lights on or off?
My wife stopped me from taking my first bite at the restaurant, saying that we need to pray first.
If you’re American when you go into the bathroom and American when you come out, what are you when you’re in the bathroom?
What are you addicted to?
the proper way to do it
What clothes look sexier on a woman than their naked bodies?
I weigh 175 with my glasses on.
If you sneeze and I say “Bless You” please just respond with a simple “thank you”
My wife caught me holding in my stomach while standing on the bathroom scales.
Do you shower in the morning or night and why?
What are some not so clear signs that someone is marrying you for your money?
What is the worst death for you?
she didn't see it coming.
Hello, it's me
What’s the most annoying thing that plagues your daily life?