I need karma..plz help me..
let's help each other
upvote this!
How many upvotes did you burn today? ⬆️
anyone got tips for better karma crops?
Up to up...give me upvote..
Up for up!
karma pls
Karma please
I need 100 karma ASAP. I will return.
Karma4Karma? :)
Upvote me, ill upvote all your posts
Upvote please and I'll return the favour
Need 100 karma ASAP
Give me karma...
Help me with karma
Upvotes please and thank you 🤩
Don't hesitate to upvote my post I will return your upvote
How tf should I get karma
Need some karma!
Need 100 karma
I need karma. Please upvoteeeee
I need 100 karma please help me to get it
Please help me to get 100 Karma ASAP