Why my keyboard look like this
Alright chat what’s your last saved pic And DONT cheat
Two Fangirls 💔 (@miixors)
Look at what I got guys
Utena in a tree
Hello Stan
Is my set up good
Smash or pass
Would my avatar be comfortable near you?
My freaking phone🥲
What did you show me?
My guy really cut his beard
Here is some more pictures of Stan
More pictures of Stan having a beard
Give me your avatar and Otorp will rate them out of ten and I’ll try to give an explanation why.
Sigma boy Amir
Amir and Shrek sigma
Amir sigma
"What're ya doin' in ma house?" Uh oh! Grapple caught you breaking in! What do you tell her so that she doesn't have the Mini-Graps eviscerate you?
What army rank would your avatar you get?
Who wants food
Drawing ur avatar ??
How does your avatar fare against getting shot by guns?