Having a great big brother is priceless
Golden Hour in the Wings.
Couldn’t say no to $12 goodwill find although I can’t hear anymore
Live steamer prankster does sexual harassment ‘prank’ and gets pressed by the victim’s brother
That’s a problem.
Best feeling in the world
This is Miami every morning
What's Your Opinion On The Film Double Platinum Starring Brandy and Diana Ross?
Wild indeed
Swing path of the best ball striker in the world
(At Your Best) You are love original???
Custom handshakes 😄
Who’s winning?
Can someone tell me why girls do this? We’re both 19 for reference
What film are you going with?
How to tell someone’s rich
The bottle of bliss.
Dog Brothers finally reunited
TRIGGER WARNING: some people need to hear this
Sade performs Nothing Can Come Between Us (San Diego, '93) Live
Ants classism
The level of disrespect
SUNSET is looking so good
Bible vs. Idol
Yes we were