What do you think of the G5? Bad, So-so, Good?
How do you do the frogstand without your legs hurting?
Can women who take birth control still get really strong and get a toned body?
How do you start learning the human flag?
Are knee-to-elbows planks impossible if you have a gut?
This is not hate because I support trans people but I just don't understand something, Why do men want to be women even tho women have less strength and are getting less rights?
I can't go to the gym, which workouts can I do at home to strengthen my arms? I only have 8 lbs weights, I also can't do my first pushup after trying for 2 months, what is the best technique to learn pushups?
Is creatine healthy or has it major side effects? And is it considered cheating if you take creatine?
How do you stop nausea while running?
Frog Stand Progress
What would be the 5 survivors favorite animals?
The frogstand and elbow lever hurts alot when I try to do it, how do I stop that?
How does your anxiety present itself?
Women maybe losing rights around the world gives me alot of anxiety, Are women gonna lose rights?
The space I have is way too small to do calisthenics and I can't go to the gym what must I do?
Are women rights gonna get taken away?
I'm confused how to start doing calisthenics, what should I do to start at home or in the gym?
Whos your favorite portal character?
What are some good core workouts for learning calisthenics?
Can a woman take testosterone just to become stronger? Or is it only for Trans men?
Do you need to learn a handstand or can you choose not to, because everyone who's learning calisthenics also does handstands
I really want to tell my parents and friends about ihnmaims but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Should I say it? and do your family or friends know about ihnmaims?
Does anxiety nausea stop over time or is it something you will keep suffering from your whole life?
How do I ease my anxiety nausea or stop it?