This pretty much means they were taken out back and shot no?
The Illuminate Aren’t Coming
Important Message from the SEAF
Anons contribution to modern society
Anon is frustrated cause of gender gap
Just have not been having fun last month or two.
While we’re on the subject of fixing missions (Meridia), please fix Eradication missions, they’re the worst.
To AH devs and the upcomming patch/update
Bug Divers Back to Meridia, You don't have to do Dark Fluid missions to help!
Meridia Is Fine After Patch, JOIN US
PSA on the Dark Matter Mission
Dark Fluid Mission are a DISASTER
I think people are overreacting to how hard the new mission is
Dark fluid and the illuminate
To the divers saying that we have to be able to extract on this mission
Terminid Emancipator Testing
I think i upset him
Just give it a little bit of time and don't just jump on the hatewagon
New mech is trash like the last one.