Gay, 24, slightly chubby, do your worst.
What were the first subtle signs that you were aging in a good way or bad way ?
Rock 99, 1985 Friday Free Ride
Is this program sooooo sloooow for everyone else?
Is it true that things like sexual abuse were really swept under the rug in the 1950’s-80’s? How bad was it?
I am much heavier than I appear
Sprinfield, MO
Did your parents send you to the store as a child alone?
Felony Friendly Jobs, No work history
What sound was common place when you were younger but is now rare or nonexistent?
Waited for THREE months on a goodwill gesture request, only to be disappointed.
Woman's name change after marriage - 1950s
In hindsight, did one of you enjoy parenting more than the other?
Does anyone remeber the term "Sex Cat" to describe a women?
How much do you rely on your children?
What are some societal norms you look back and think “how was that allowed or normal?”
What was the quality of education like when you were in school?
I got this Piebald deer this past season!! I never thought this day would happened! I know he’s not big, but I’ve been waiting for this day since I started hunting and I am 58, so I just had to take him!
[text] What day of the week for the best meat deals?
Im sad, it’s hard to enjoy food.
Today has been mean
[I ate] Mike’s Floss Toast
What is your favorite band's worst song?