Do you guys think this will keep escalating?
Who's standard banner eidolon should I get?
Ana is losing it
What jobs are typically 8 hours a day?
1.5 year old and 9 week old... is this play ok?
Silverwolf rerun
What is this, a ritz cracker for ants?
Roll call! Meet glass artists in your area! Dittos for attention.
Huohuo and the 3 big sisters in battle [ By @skgl_thx ] ( Translation - @Adventzx )
Pet-sitting our nephew’s dog, Roman. We were given strict instructions that Roman is NOT allowed on couches or beds.
Question about sustains
I have just met u & I LOVE U
How to save this candle?
Beeswax Candle
Pothos ID?
Not how that works
What are some locally owned small businesses everyone in the metro should know about.
Will I get in trouble for putting these on broken conveyor belts?
How do I get rid of my forehead wrinkles?? Btw, I am only 10
Tiktok seemed to love the video I thought you guys might like it too 🥰
Worst GSD pics, for your consideration
Getting real tired of your ......
I think I accidentally adopted a bubble-blowing walrus instead of a dog....
I know it’s not exactly on my fingers but still thought this little guy was worth sharing
Spirits, if y’all manage to form a question, I’ll answer. AMA