How many hero Packs to have decent deckbuilding options?
UK specific storage question
Warhammer CEO is actively looking for another Space Marine 2 level success but “remain cautious” for new releases
What makes gambit (hero) good?
I used to apply a rule incorrectly out of ignorance, but now I apply it incorrectly out of rebellion.
What do you think of the New Black Panther Hero Pack so far?
Found Strange for retail... after buying him online...
Is it normal ticketcenter takes too long?
First time at wacken
Which X-men packs for a beginner?
Co Parent (Mum) keeps putting AirTags on child when I have them for the day - England
First time at Wacken, RESIDENZ EVIL
Ticket Selling Time
Wacken Shuttle Bus Stop and Camping Only Area
What's a scenario that's supposed to be easy but you keep losing to it?
Borg Red Alert where nobody has traits hits different
New Scenario Packs?
Heat pump
Leaving NHS pension scheme until money is better
How do you go about printing out Ronan?
Trying to find Doc Strange is rough man
Ticket resale
How do you approach long-term deck management?
How do you choose an army scheme for your guys?