Does "real GDP" = GDP - government spending ? Could we classify government spending as false revenue since it diminishes the nation's wealth ?
In a capitalist market economy, the government can do almost nothing to improve the economy. The government only has the power to screw up our lives
Eu acho que é burrice ter imóveis em seu nome (ou outros investimentos). Se um dia você tiver alguma dívida, a justiça vai tomar tudo o que você conquistou anteriormente. O ideal seria mover todos os seus ganhos para outro país
What now? What will be the next big thing in image generative AI ? Apparently SD 3.5 medium and large are untrainable ? Do you think it's possible that image AI will stagnate in 2025 and nothing new of relevance will appear ?
In the United States, 150 million chickens were slaughtered. On average, a person eats 100 chickens per year. Is the life of one human being worth the lives of so many chickens? What is the limit ?
What are best methods to inpainting now ?
Is SDXL or SD 1.5 still relevant ? What SDXL or SD 1.5 do better than flux ?
Em breve a Islândia terá eliminado todos os bebês com sindrome de down através do aborto. Isso é eugenismo ou política de saúde pública?
Quais são os problemas do atual sistema de cotas para universidade?
cuidado no alistamento militar
Fooocus inpainting not working well for me. At least for replace a face with a Lora
Mysteriously, all inpainting preprocessors stopped working on my control net union (forge). Has anyone else had this problem ?
Suspeito preso por levar 11 fuzis para a Penha foi liberado da prisão pela Justiça 12 dias antes
F5-TTS fine tuneed model Vs XTTS V2 for non english/chinese languages, like spanish, portuguese, french - which one is the best?
Coração do Brasil
I miss the time when you could fight with someone on the street and nothing would happen. No cameras. No internet court.
Cars allow us to go much further, much faster - but every year 1 million people die in car accidents worldwide. Would a world without cars be a better world ? Is progress worth 1 million lives a year ?
Idosa leva chute nas costas de motorista de aplicativo ao entrar em prédio em Copacabana
Teacache for SDXL - is possible ? Any workflow ?
Accusing someone of "inappropriate s exual behavior" is like accusing someone of being a witch in the Middle Age. Guilty until proven innocent
TJ-SP turbina fundo bilionário o e irriga penduricalhos com juros de depósitos judiciais
Barroso nega pedido da OAB e mantém regras para julgamentos virtuais: 'ganho de eficiência'
I don't think I updated forge (version 8 March 2024). I don't know why, but controlnet pro max inpainting and openpose don't work with preprocessor (black or blurry screens). It's not IMG2IMG but inpainting. Is it correct to use it without any preprocessor ?
How is Russia’s economy so resilient in the face of heavy sanctions from the EU and US?