Have to register her as an ESA for HOA
out of these six, who would you want not to survive?
Who's this (wrong answers only)
AITA for throwing my wife's pillow out of the room?
Can dogs ask for help?
ESA dog is no longer allowed at my work.
AITA for telling a woman her baby is not a miracle?
I am writing a script about Narcolepsy. What would you like to see included?
AIO my boyfriend was too tired to drive me to my abortion
Got invited to a CEO just to play blackjack for 30 minutes 🤣
If your past self met you today, what would shock them the most?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Life Hacks
I want to sleep all hours of the day EXCEPT when I need to go to sleep
Nap Spots?
What do you say to your dog when you want them to relieve themselves?
Which cars should be modifiable at Benny's but are not?
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
What popular words and phrases are past their mandatory retirement date?
Jane and Tom or Lynette and Tom?
Dating sites are amazing
Which car do you pass on the street that makes you think “why the fuck are you driving that?”
Random's vent
I know I will be downvoted to hell, but I wish my wife was a normal SAHM
I'm planning to do the Casino Heist and the Doomsday Heist with randoms. Will I suffer?