How are you handling relationships with family who are not understanding?
AITJ for telling the postal worker I dread coming to the post office because of her?
Where did Donald Trump get the idea of being so trigger-happy with tariffs?
What do you think the USA should be?
YOU'RE FIRED! Well, I am actually.
I’m a Canadian. Give me some hope that my country isn’t just about to be annexed by Trump.
How to Pronounce Luc when it's short for Lucien
As teachers, what is something you wish every parent would know/do?
AITA for Refusing to Co-Sign My Sister’s Mortgage After My Parents Went Behind My Back?
Would you change your last name to your maiden name in a divorce if your children have your husbands name?
AITA for refusing to let my girlfriend drive my car because she’s totaled two cars before?
How would you feel about a sympathy card after the loss of your pet?
Am I the jerk for telling her I don’t want her
AITA for not wanting to split the costs of the car maintenance with my boyfriend?
AITA for telling my fiance I'm not spending my inheritance on buying him a new car?
WIBTA if I let my sister live on the streets?
His name is the last thing you ate. Name him...
AITJ for saying that my older sister is raising our youngest that has Autism, wrong?
AITAH for stepping up when my little sister got her period.
Neighbors opened my mail.
AITA if I help my BF to add other expenses to the bills so that our roommate's contribute and help?
AITAH for using fart spray to get my uncle to stop with his cruel prank?
Five months ago we found a kitten in our front yard, this is him now.
All of these people asked to borrow money and repay in less than a month. For most, It’s been years.