What order do you guys paint things in?
Pick Your Poison
Anyone else having this issue with the Photos app?
Environmental meets cozy-industrial
Horrible Internal Balance.
Am I reading the instructions wrong?
My first WH detachment
Do you think Skorpekhs & Ophydian Destroyers should have its Hyperphase Reap-Blade profile back? 1 per 3 equipped as heavy melee weapon for unit like previous edition
In your opinion, how impactful is an airbrush in achieving good work, vs good technique with with a paintbrush?
Hobby room designing question
Newbie: Old Models to Avoid?
TIL Teddy was a real life product
Teddy Ruxpin Storytelling Doll anyone?
Where's the red 1 in the time??
Attaching Crypteks
Necron energy colors for named characters (Lore accurate)
OnePlus 13 eSim Question
I'm torn
My First Miniatures! Helpful tips welcome
Iron Warriors vs Soulforge Warpack for my first 1000 pts army
Looking for advice
Help with Doomstalker
Flayed ones!
Lychguard or triarch preatorions
Color Scheme Advice