No, I'm not a bot.
Neither the original iCarly nor the Reboot had a college-aged main or recurring character.
None of the season 1 characters returned for future seasons.
Did Megan prank Drake prior to the show?
5 Years Ago, War's Retreat (PvM Hub) was released. Posting this early because tomorrow is an update day.
I wish there was more unity with the playerbase opinions.
How common were in-game riots?
If you could create a fundamentally brand new class what would that be?
Victorious is the only live action Nick show that did not feature a main/recurring child character
None of the popular live-action Nick shows from the 2000s to early 2010s had a graduation episode.
December 2024 just had the highest RS3 monthly population (27,816) since August 2023 (31,611). Before that, January 2022 at 31,049.
What was the best and worst era of Maplestory?
Why does 2014 feel recent yet it was 10 years ago?
Happy 14th Anniversary to Big Bang's GMS release!
#TBT: I found this in my old drawer. I used to write down my Meso spendings back in 2012.
15 Years Ago Today, Ancient Curses were released in Runescape.
Why aren't there many famous GMs in Maplestory history?
5 Years Ago Today, Runescape 3 first adopted the new Double XP Weekend format, where players were allowed train at any point over a span of 10 days.
ELI5: What were "GM Scrolls"?
What if EoC never got released into Runescape?
What was Maplestory's strongest class year by year?
What is the strongest class in Maplestory history?
I miss post-big bang era (2011-2013).
Why were Thieves the most expensive class in Old School Maplestory?
Are there any good post-big bang servers (2011-2013)?