Boy becomes a wizard
Things that you can say that will get you dirty looks at certain places.
A job offer makes parents upset
Drugs make everybody paranoid, and everybody seems to be duping everybody else.
A rogue cop tries to clear his name after being framed for a murder he didn't commit.
SFAH: what you don't want to hear at the bank aside from "this is a stickup"
A good bloke disvovers himself after getting high at a party
A guy learns valuable lessons from an untenured teacher at a prestigious school
Soldiers, but no war. Fighting, but no violence. Sexual chemistry, but no sex.
Identical twins aren't identical twins, but rather an experiment for a bigger picture.
Adults like to play dress up to keep everyone in line
(Repost, revised) MC walks around his hometown, warning of the end and lamenting it.
The British go to extreme heights to foil the Nazi’s.
Actually dad, I’m just as smart as the founding fathers.
A team of people with varying skills and experience steal several expensive items.
Some Idiot Animal Right’s Activists Doom the World.
A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for 3 days, and leaves on Friday
Inappropriate ringtone to have for your significant other or family members
The worse skin care routine ever.
A pilot has a "drinking problem"
Bad times to say will you be my forever?
A murderous child is tricked into a hand-to-hand fight to the death by the man who had him tortured
I love you but it's time for me to go. Forever.
daughters begrudgingly learn to appreciate their mothers.
Unlikely things to hear from your vet