Which Etsy Dress should I get Claudie?
Need help with her name
Doll Identification
POST YOUR KAYAS in the comments!
Help Creating this Girl?
Guess who
Show me your handmade!
Sonali mold/Melody face (old v. new) comparisons.
Handmade Elsa dress
Has your AG passion lead to an interest in your own family history and/or lineage societies?
It Finally Happened to Me!
Doll hospital #4?
Where to get clothes for Kaya?
Help, which doll do I look like?
Help me identify my goodwill haul items!
New outfits for the girls!
This part of Friendship Superhero really stuck with me.
Crooked bob
Kit Kittredges friend Sterling
Teal Shoes
How do people with large collections handle it??
Mom stored 1997 Kirsten in packing peanuts and they melted (??) onto her vinyl. How do I fix?
Where could I find Nicki’s bed spread for an adult or even the same purple fabric?
Can I see your CYO? (Or just, anyone you'd like lol)
Has anyone had an issue with a CYO shipping and then just getting stuck?