Anyone know who this guy is? He has 2k more hours than SheefGG
RTX 5090 & 5080 Launchday Thread - Surprise Inside
I've been on this screen for about 15 minutes. At what point do I just give up? Is a 15m wait normal?
My Era 2 just arrived. WHAT?
[Game Thread] New Mexico @ Auburn (7:30 PM ET)
[Game Thread] Alabama A&M @ Auburn (7:30 PM ET)
Accused of sex trafficking for having someone tag along?
ERT's no longer as profitable? Loot nerfed?
I use an all woman team. I know what must be done, but I don't know if I have the will to do it.
[Game Thread] Alabama @ Auburn (3:30 PM ET)
New haunting event is impossible to play as a colorblind person.
My best scav this wipe was because of a hacker
What's up with player scavs killing other scavs?
The midpoint room mechanics are more dangerous than the dungeons (Warning profanity)
Surprise Butcher
Which is better for bone spear necro?
Which is better for a bone spear necro?
Which ring is better for bone spear necro?
Which ring is better for Bone spear necro?
As a bone spear necromancer, which of these two weapons is better than the other?
Which of these two swords would be better for bone spear necro?
The Great Wall of Jahan. Used by Sourcerers of old to autopath Jahan into Alice Aliceson circa 2023
Do the UEFA cards continue to get upgrades?