How to safely let players upload files to a server
What do we think about simply calling the genre Brainia?
Analogue recommendation: Lok
Learning two engines at once
Pink Tiles?
Metroidbrainia; I'm not sure how to feel about the name
Partnership, Shared Revenue - Combining Your Design with Someone's Gameplay
Would you consider a game MetroidBrainia if the MB part is accessible only later in the game?
[Solved] Instantiate triggers twice in editor
What methods can help when it comes to learning code?
Puzzle platformer; not what the marked wants right now
Newbie "game developer", what should I do?
Jeg har bestemt meg for og komme ned i vekt men trenger råd
Zelda 64 Recompiled: A Revolution In N64 Native Ports For PC
Is { set, get } pointless in solo gamedev?
[Solved] Changing variables through script with Validate DelayCall does not update variables
My Office Ragdoll game need design breakthrough.
How could friendship systems between NPCs work? Do you know games that do this?
I want to become a video game UX researcher.
How to make a player feel bad?
Gamedev feels like a drug, in a bad way...
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Help a brotha out
Feet get stuck to ground while playing an animation