What do you think is the best and most meaningful frame in “the grand Budapest hotel”?
Which song makes you emotional or sentimental no matter how many times you listen to it?
Any print on demand websites with baby tees?
Comment your fav billie song and i will tier rank them
please check me out, i'm a 15 yr. old rapper/producer who need this more than you know.
What is a compliment you received that you will never forget?
If you could play 1 Billie song at your funeral, Which one would it be?
Remember when everyone was convinced Billie was ‘queer baiting’?
What is the most underrated renaissance art?
What are you convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?
Just watched all the modern Planet of the Ape movies in the last 3 days for the first time. How do you rank them?
In your opinion, what's the best fruit as a snack?
Who do you think is the best detective on the squad and why ?
What is Billies most beautiful song that chronically brings you to tears?
okay the real question is why do y‘all hate hostage 💔 also am I gonna get hate for the what was I made for placement
which main single do you think is the best
Word association: what words always remind you of the show?
What did y’all pay for your tickets?
Any tv show recs?
what’s a movie you find yourself rewatching over and over again?
What's a show that you love, but is universally panned or doesn't get good reviews?