Mr. Nigel-Murray
Favorite guest stars
Who’s yours?
What is your opinion on Hodgins/Angela relationship?
If a superstore character had its own “ young sheldon “ spinoff, diving into their young life, which character would u want to see it be about ?
What would you serve at a superstore themed birthday party?
What would be an AITA moment for the characters?
When you first played, who was your first spouse?
Did you regret choosing a farm type and why?
What do the bachelor(ettes) do/say that give you the ick?
So this happened today...
Is anyone else bothered by the wardrobe/styling?
Why did you buy a heater when you have no animals? Me:
Binx LOVES starting new saves🫶
Superstore is packed with hilarious/brilliant moments like this
What’s a silly mistake you made early on?
Bird Mommy
What isss….
Okay fellas, if you were animated and could hook up with any characters in Family Guy you wanted, who would you pick?
Glenns dad
Booth violates suspect rights alot
Who do you wish was talked about more?
Sandra’s wedding