Whats your top 10 Marvel characters? Can be mutants or smth else
What character make you feel this way?
Silk should be Peter's New Love Interest
Favourite media character?
Favorite character, character you think is underrated/overrated, and character you hate/dislike?
Mutant with the best overall writing on comics?
Favorite mutant, mutant you think is underrated/overrated, and mutant you hate/dislike
[X-MEN 97] What are your thoughts on all the situation between Magneto and Rogue?
Morally Grey × Loved by Friends
What my favourite xmen says about me!
Ehat do you people think about my all time favourite DC/MARVEL characters?
What my favourite characters says about me?
What am i?
How do I master this lady?
Favourite queer characters
Female characters!
Carreras a estudiar para diseño de videojuegos
[Mini-Theory] Was Crazy Mita pretending to be Cool Mita (Cappie) the whole time? About that...
Sell accounts help
I'm all for Tenkaichi- but if people aren't playing the game, they deserve the disconnect.
Bug on L2 + x x/A A ?
Does it seem to anyone else like matches are quicker in SZ than in BT3?