Guys should I apply???
What now?
Angela’s Herbalist Shop, Terim, Alagaësia
The worst desync I have expreicenced
Why doesn’t “Waise heill” not work on Brom in the first book?
Firnen and Saphira Design Sheet
Say what now?! TWO buried Jetpacks NEAR each other?! HOW THE HELL?!?!
I found stuwu
Types of Spelunky 2 co-op players tier list (from my experience)
Just wanted to imagine what would happen if a crossover happened between these two (by me)
i keep asking and nobody knows
What is the opportunity cost of Aaron to make pie
Kokomi fan art!
Dear 18-19year olds on this sub, how does it feel to be old
silly questions thread for people who like answering silly questions
the first person to hit on me thought i was gay. Do I make a bad impression?
I hate being in double degree
Healthy food options near campus?
My (M20) girlfriend (F18) wouldn't let me use assisted suicide if I had dementia far later in life and it always causes fights
Missed course selection for winter term
Yoimiya just chilling
Raphtalia by me