All this nonsense has made me realize my life’s calling has been right under my nose. I made an oath and I will hold the line.
How do you politely request the “no hello”?
Can someone convince me that I do not need a mushroom toddler and I should finish my 4957 o going projects?
Looking for a free pattern similar to these bags! Preferably with the shorter rows at the base so it’s more rounded. Thank you in advance ☺️
Look at what you guys made me do
My coworkers were discussing blanket prices.
My First (and Last) Polene Experience
Giving me free will was a mistake
A flower rug I made 🌸🌼
Immediately thought of yall when I saw this
I tried to practice new techniques with yarn scraps
Crochet shirts on men?
Fiber recommendations for…rock hounding bag? LOL
I’m a leftie learning to crochet right-handed and I’m having a hard time
Please tell me happy birthday.
Copied my male colleagues’ email style and told I’m being rude
Swipe to see what the car full of yarn looks like after I organized it/put it away
Which yarn holder do you prefer while crocheting if you use one? I added 5 different kinds and would love some opinions
Need recommendation
Now I understand why you all hate fuzzy yarn
It’s literally been 84 years… but my Chip & Dale graphigan is finally finished!
I severely underestimated how much yarn it takes to make a ribbed beanie with only single crochet and slip stitches so i ended up having to make it split colored cause i ran out of yarn
Going to buy one yarn, coming back with half a dozen more. Is it just me?
AIO or did I hold myself accountable in these messages?
Found out my preteen son is bragging about my crocheting at school. He has now requested hats for his bus driver and his friend because they love all his hats so much, so I had to come through for him.