Misandry is a real thing in a way, and it makes me feel really bad.
You can literally become Hitler
What do you do if you know a girl is into you?
You can teleport to any restaurant of your choice...
What do you think happens after deqth?
How would you want to die if you had to?
Asian comedians and content creators who uses "being asian" as a personality trait
Why Do People Think Cats Dont Need a Nightly Ritual?
I absolutely love milk, but I recently discovered I'm lactose intolerant.
What is the dumbest thing people take pride in?
why in the world is it so hard to get a bf?
Sex work is fundamentally degrading and shouldn’t be encouraged
How is like being a teen boy in US?
DAE find internet arguments to be completely pointless?
Do you trust MSNBC, CBS, CNN, and FOX for your news?
My voice sometimes crack unexpectedly, jumping from deep to high-pitched mid-sentence, making me sound like a squeaky toy. How do I deal with this?
Am I the only one who likes school?
Is everyone okay?
What’s on your mind if a girl compliments you?
Can you be intelligent and think religiously?
Do you get banned or in trouble for saying the y word?
Do bears shit in the woods?
Help I'm too stoned 😵💫😵💫
If you eat shit you don't need nutrition for 30 days.
Option A: You get 100 mil. Option B: You cure cancer.