Haven’t Played Since La Resistance—What’s New?
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
A bit much for memel...
Are you scared of balding?
Type any HOI4 character’s name with your eyes closed
Had to hit bro with the refrences
The Battle for history
What games do you guys play besides hoi?
What's a fun, non major, country to play?
What is YOUR current play style?
Long live the Tsar! Monarchist Russian Liberation Army playthrough.
Why Is Asaram Bapu's YouTube Channel Still Active Despite His Conviction?
How hard is it to get a creator code
Help with taylor prints
Ba-cawk, new snapshot
Do boys care about height?
AITA for searching for a lost child?
If america were a muslim country
Chat what should I put on my land to fill the empty space.
these two tape measures
My reboot card got put in a maximum-security prison
Ship wreck spawned in the air
The Battle Begins
I asked Ai if Goring or Mussolini would win
How to code superevents