No. We do not need to be polite to you.
Trump isnt a _____
Trump announces task force to ‘eradicate anti-Christian bias’
🚨 50501 Just Made History – And We’re Just Getting Started 🚨
Charlie Health… is it worth it? Has anyone been able to afford it?
50 states 50 Protests 1 day
At the Capitol in DSM
Anyone else have a special interest in the collapse of the United States? 🙋🏼
Hey BPDers!! Please read this post
I'm more optimistic about the future of our country than at any point in my life
What do you do in your spare time?
I need sign ideas
Who is organizing and who is responsible for ensuring the safety of protesters?
Another beautiful day in Iowa! Look at that gorgeous landscape!
Help with symbol
What does my handwriting say about me?
Top Three Comments makes a change (day 2)
I hate ___ people
Americans: How does it feel to know republicans have filed a bill to eliminate the Department of Education?
Americans: How does it feel to know republicans have introduced a bill to eliminate OSHA?
US National anthem booed at the Raptors game
What is next, if this is protest is not enough?
You like _________, don't you?