Dose might be too high- Could taking Vyvanse with breakfast lessen the side effects?
What could be more scary if it was 10 times it's size?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
looking for a specific bruise pallet
It bothers me that everyone on this show has to forgive their shitty parents
Abby and Buck
Favorite exiled items
Which Taylor Swift album is closest to your birthday? I compiled the data and the results are interesting
Had anybody guessed that Tommy dated someone before Buck?
Why do you think they call him Chimney?
Nothing happens
What’s this sound effect called?
Is it 10 calories per syrup in the Iced Brown sugar shaken espresso?
What is the Taylor Swift song that you see as ‘your’ song?
Will a 20g earring close up a 16g earlobe piercing?
Eddie and 'stache
What Seasons/episodes do you still enjoy rewatching and what seasons/episodes you can go without?
Any tips on keeping wounds looking wet?
Is there a version of the outside lights that you can turn off sections of in the middle of the strip?
Is this tattoo placement weird?
What can I bring on an airplane?
How do you guys handle having to wait to see the design till the day of your appointment? It makes me anxious.
How to get started in sfx
Piercings in the industry