Here is a list of the top 20 post of the last month. Why are so many about modern presidents?
Is anyone else hoping that these designs are just red herrings or what could of been three if Four didnt lock him up? And the actual three is some sort of monster?
What was your Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby team?
Which Pokémon game has the best starters?
What's a Pokémon with a better design than its evolution?
Everyone else’s reaction to Evil Leafy VS Fries
Presidents meeting British Prime Ministers Part 1
If there was a rejoin of the BFB contestants in TPOT, who would you vote to join?
President with the coolest name?
If you guys could switch around one contestant from BFB post-split to TPOT and vice versa, who would you pick? I know this is a common choice but Balloony and Ice Cube for me.
Which president is the most interesting? Or rather the president you enjoy learning about the most?
Presidential Series Paintings by The National Guard
whats the best post split episode. one of these perhaps?
Who’s the most forgettable president?
When the Rizzler was born, same-sex marriage was legal in 22 countries. Since then, 18 more countries have legalized it.
In the making
This is one of the funniest jokes in the series in my opinion, it's a shame I don't hear it talked about so here you go
Which team would win in a competition?
So is Firey jr just dead now, what?
14 days ago, the US President was Joe Biden.
Which President bears the most responsibility for the tragedy that was Vietnam?
Broom's Show Cleaner 6 Production
I tried to draw Sobble from memory
Is that a NEW SERIES?
Forgot to mention I have a new series!