Baskets from plastic bags/plarn
Full Tutorial Available Now
make cremation more ecological?
Plasket Baskets
Haven't touched my ZZ for years... wow
One final goal
After a 16-year-old boy was murdered, his friends brought his coffin to the spot where he always played football and helped him score one final goal.
Curious what people think of this…
Plasket weaving
Plasket weaving tutorial inbound!
Trump admitted on tv that Elon Musk rigged the vote counting machines.
Tutorial (Part I) Available Now
Looks like we're all lesbians now
End-of-life rituals and gatherings
A MEMORY HOLE: First timer with a history lesson
Pre-deployment Prep (with two daughters)
On death and loss, from Ray Bradbury
"Grief is just love with no place to go."
My grandfather’s urn has discolored and turned green from my grandmother kissing it every day since he passed.
The game "Spiritfarer" has been recommended many times in this group in the past, but it's now on sale (85% off) on Steam so I want to bring attention to it again. Go grab it, I promise you won't regret it!
Used some old drawings from work as wrapping paper, thoughts?
Private Moose-Knuckle, USMC
What’s a modern trend you think people will regret in 10 years?
Just to add to the pics of ships in fog