Marking my territory so criminals stay away
Never let em take you alive
Just point em straight babe. You'll figure it out!
Tips for jumps? Did my first jump today (pictured below) what should I work on?
Ski recommendation
Criminal working hard to ruin snow so that civilized ppl can’t enjoy it
Abasin Snowboard Highlights
Rate my form! Kung Foo edition
Deer Valley - Park City Border 2024 vs 2025
Jerry Patrol reporting for duty!!!
Are these still good to go?
Deport this criminal immediately
Coochie massage good for skiing recovery?
My favorite way to get to the hill
Snowshoers yesterday (artist's depiction)
Can’t ski in new skis
Jealous Jerries freaking out about chad Italian avalanche mitigation methodologies
Two skiers, while off-piste, triggered an avalanche in Solden Ski Area, Austria. Stay safe everyone.
Skiing in Afghanistan
Working on my face drag for next year's knuckle huck
Is there a Telemark binding that will work with the boots I already have? Tecnica Cochies
POV: You're fucked
How Texans think they look when they go on ski vacations
Anyone else like skid turning drunk with a 360 camera on the bunny run?
Anyone else?
We've gotten all our lessons from r/skiing_feedback. Are we advanced or expert?
Experienced Dad (75) vs newbie son (41) learning to carve
Need advice on installing a hangboard on a terrace beam without drilling
Hey guise I just bought these new skies did i do