r/seinfeld is getting upset!
Why did Michael hate Toby so much? Why?
Was Angelo in the mob?
Worst Presidential Photos
Sleepie little girlie
Willie being Willie!
It’s been a lazy Sunday for all of us 💕😻
Which President?
Are there any businessmen who you think would actually have made a good president?
1978 pamphlet - Who is DICK CHENEY and Why is he Running for Congress?
Watch out, he’s huge and terrifying!
Excerpt from Warren G. Harding's speech in Birmingham, Alabama
Trump has words for DC
What are your fave sitcom episodes involving football? Today is Super Bowl Sunday and also the 52 year anniversary of the first airing of Marcia Brady getting her nose mashed by an errant football toss.
Who would’ve been a great President?
Who’s your confront character in The Office?
I only just realised this
Do You Think LBJ Felt Genuine Remorse Or Guilt Over Vietnam; As Opposed To Shame Of His Tarnished Reputation And Legacy?
i'm actually surprised there never was a threesome on Cheers lol
Why is this subreddit nothing but quotes?
Wait, is there really a cat here?
Great Grandpa Sid fought in WWI WWII and Korea his pilot’s license was signed by Orville Wright
What’s the best rivalry in world history?
I’m going to need a rundown of this sub by tomorrow morning