Any other bands or songs that have the vibe TØP has?
31 [Male] I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! 🇬🇧
This is Bella
hitting the gym for the first time in my life tomorrow, trying to finally start bettering myself. any words of encouragement and motivation to keep me going once I start.
[27f] life is just hitting me hard rn. Trying to keep smiling and pushing through!
[female] working on getting my confidence back!
What is the nicest way I can tell my girlfriend I’m considered about her weight? F22 m24
Guns for Hands and Car Radio ughhhhh
Love this shirt but thrown off by the length and the fit, how should I try to style this thing?
Life/mental health issues kicking me in the ass and weightloss/gym journey at a standstill, could use some kind words :) thank ya [male]
My left arm is only for tattoos dedicated to my boys
First tøp concert!
[male] Overcoming the darkest time of my life and would greatly appreciate kind words (repost)
Fit of the day 🧡
[male] Been struggling lately, some kind words would be greatly appreciated
[female] me and this pine cone are soul mates
Online dating with no experience
Self picccccc
Felt super good in this. Felt like it enhanced my curves in a really nice way
Would you date a woman with different political views / how would you navigate it?
To men who use dating apps: explain how you treat women who are ugly vs. attractive or women you’d only fuck vs. take seriously long term
Should I circumcise my baby??
Whats the best sex you had? and with who was it? what made it the best?
How would you feel if your significant other asked you to lose some weight?
Going to therapy for the first time today