I wish it was easier to meet doomers
Warum islamistische Terroranschläge niemals aufhören werden
Unironically, I think I understand Cenk now
I actually don't think the optics of the anti deportation protests are horrible
Trump/Elon using the guise of DOGE to steal future elections
Do NOT hesitate
I'm a full-time "AI artist". I hate it.
«Ich kenne keinen Rechten mit einer Genderdysphorie», sagt der Psychologe Holger Richter.
Hey, remember when MAGA kept saying how great and peaceful everything is now? Jordan ready for war with Israel if Palestinians are expelled into its territory
Trump is not playing 5D chess. His net approval rating started historically low (+8.2) and is already plummeting after just 2 weeks of this chaos (+4.6).
Die fdp hat uns verraten, nicht die union.
Worst photo of my life. This was a shock to see but I need advice please. Details under photo
Weniger Straftaten bei Ukrainischen Flüchtlingen?
I think Americans will star waking up soon.
Guy films himself assaulting his employer
Free the NSFW
Mohamed Amjahid über Racial Profiling: „Im Zug werde ich immer wieder herausgefischt“
Frage/Kommentar: Warum wählt ihr die AFD?
„Wenn wir Person X ins Land Y abschieben, ändert das nichts an den Problemen, weil Person X dann im Land Y Menschen umbringt, anstatt in Deutschland.“
I wanna quit Ai Art
Scholz verurteilt "Terror-Tat" von Aschaffenburg: "Bin es leid"
Aschaffenburg: Zwei Tote bei Messerangriff in Park – Polizei nimmt Verdächtigen fest
What's the best way to actually get away with trapping nowadays?
Is being a doomer for 4 years easier than waiting in line for an hour and voting?
Mother of the Bikini Barista drive thru flasher speaks out