Waiters / waitresses (US), are there certain ethnic / people groups that generally just don't tip well (or at all) when dining out?
Reverse of a recent post: songs that have swears in them that Spotify didn’t catch to mark as explicit
What Radiohead song makes you feel like you're getting cucked?
Look who‘s a fan
Who the FUCK is this
Controversial and harsh tier list from a fan?
What song first got you into MagBay? How did you discover it?
drop the most painful lyrics you've ever heard.
By The Way or Stadium Arcadium?
my mom banged my friend, I had no clue this was going on.
Anyone have info on a former “director” in Boston, MA area?
Least fav song?
What is your favorite solo Beatles album?
AIO? My friend WENT CRAZY when the guy she likes made a drawing of me. WARNING: unhinged rant + racism. (Context in post)
Feeling Conflicted about Kantar Media
How to find bookmarked reviews?
Can’t seem to find this “Billie Jean” pressing on Discogs…
You just looked out the window and saw this...which music will you play before the radiation settles in?
if you could only choose one song, which one would it be and why?
What are albums that you're waiting to get bolded?
Which Radiohead song makes you feel like this?
Am I Overreacting To My Boyfriend Canceling Our 2 Year Anniversary Plans?
What are some songs that are generally liked by most that you just can’t seem to get into?
Why do I even make the effort?
what album is a 10/10 if some of the tracks were removed?