Heaven is Scary?
God Sends You to Hell - People don't send themselvez there
I love this community
"We care about your soul"
People from Church Threatening God's Discipline on their Kids
I told my catholic mother about Deuteronomy 22:28-29 and Deuteronomy 20:10-15
Numbers 15:32-36
Ephesians 2:8-10
What makes you confident Christianity isn’t true?
In case you’re wondering which models will be made first
Mini fanarts :3
Finally. Hotwheels Ferraris
Have a good week everyone.
I knitted a Pucca beanie!!
Why did you guys leave christianity?
Dismissive Christians
What Christian apologetic really grinds your gears?
Both Heaven and Hell Suck
What is an argument on Christianity that you hate the most??
"Heaven will be so much better than earth"
Painting over old project
Let's play a game, who's the oldest collector in here? I'm 26 years young
"Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs"
Theze are going to be handy when being forced to go to church
Luke 14:26 says you must hate your family and yourself. I’m so done with this garbage.