Knowledge Fight Buttons Thread!
Netanyahu is with cancer...
Apprentice broke down on me
It's A Matter of Time...
Is there a Romani community in Oregon?
Rogan endorses RFK Jr. Don't tell Alex
Latest update on Cascadia Subduction Zone
Responding to white nationalists?
Which Hawaii flag is better?
Bad Hasbara Episode 39: My Brother, My Brother & Lieb, with Aaron Maté
Excuse me?!
Matt Lieb cohosts on The Daily Zeitgeist
Me: "I promise I won't get all political." [Three whiskeys later]
“…If the left allows it.”
Umm…this is from Netanyahu’s Digital Aide
I know we're only supposed to observe, but...
A clip from a recent debate where Mehdi Hasan annihilates the Zionist opposition and the Zionist crowd.
Question about all the fake Zionist bots
Scientists have discovered the organism with the largest known genome, a tiny fork fern, containing 160 billion base pairs. That makes it more than 50 times bigger than the human genome
What podcasts do ya'll listen to as 'palette cleansers'?
god I can’t stand Zionists
Solidarity with our mod
Seen in the wild, OR/WA border...
Can we please do anything to deplatform these fascist organization that is gaining popularity?
Gilad Erdan brought his own props for a comedy routine at the UNGA, but the crowd didn't laugh. We can fix it in post!