Looks like Bluey got her valuable lime lesson after all, and it was from an ice cream.
Feeling bad for Bluey in Sheepdog
So in Pass the Parcel, Bluey was on the slide with Lucky, but how come in the next scene in the car, she's nowhere to be found?
What do you think is the farthest Bandit would go when committing to the bit before not doing it?
What is your honest opinion on Stripe?
How would you write an episode like this?
Me the first time I watched "Movie"
I love how Chilli didn't think twice about flooring it in front of the officer and that the officer didn't tell her to slow down.
How much ( pounds) do you think some of the adult characters are able to bench press at the gym?
What song do have stuck in your head or sing out loud thanks to kids?
Hey mate - remember that time you delivered my baby?
CARS still is one of the best Pixar movies
The Sign
If they were to show another one of Bluey or Bingo’s dreams, what would you want it to be about?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but it would be interesting to see an episode where Bandit or one of the Heelers breaks an arm or leg and have the rest of the family learn to cope with it by playing some sort of game.
What other ways do you think Jeremy can be destroyed?
Saw this on Discord, I wonder, were they intentionally imitating that German zombie video or was it a coincidence?
It’s been a year since this show changed my life.
IMPORTANT: If you are listening to Lazarus Drug while walking and come across a for sale sign, you are required to pull out your inner Bandit by lifting it from the ground and then throw it onto the street the exact way he did it. No questions.
Is there an episode you tend to skip on rewatches?
Aside from the elephant in the room, what’s a chuggaaconroy moment you feel hasn’t aged well?
What was your reaction to this scene from the first SpongeBob SquarePants movie?
Housework is legit one of my favorite episodes. Bandit and Chilli reacting to the unique walks the kids create and then trying to recreate one of those walks is both hilarious and satisfying.
What would be a time where you’d think/say this line?
What would you remove from Bluey?