First Zine Fest Coming Up!

Hey y'all, I got my first zine fest coming up. I started doing a weekly zine last week (have the next four weeks already written and formatted) that discuss politics, LGBTQIA+ issues, and punk subculture as well as whatever I feel like writing.

Anyways, by the time of the fest, I will have 11 zines made (hopefully) and I tend to print in batches of 10 plus two test zines so in total I will have 12 of each one.

So that would come to 132 total zines. I got a half table and was wondering, would that be too many? They are free so I figure people might take them pretty quickly and I am the kind of person that stresses about being under prepared especially since I have never been to a zine fest and am fairly new to the scene as a whole.

So what do y'all think? Is 132 too many, not enough? They are quarter sized sines that end up having 14 pages. Also I am bringing cassettes that have my music on them (a bunch of weird experimental shit, some never finished but just guitar and stuff).