YouTube not publishing half of my comments is infuriating beyond belief

I'll post a comment replying to someone else, then I'll get a bunch of updates on other replies to that original comment, but mine will be missing. There's absolutely no rhyme or reason to any of this. What a shit show YouTube has turned into. I've seen many people complain about this same thing but no justifiable reason for it has been presented. Is the coding just borked at this point, unable to handle the millions of comments made per day or is it something more nefarious?

I'll spent a few minutes writing a reply (I enjoy online debates, it's all good), then hit submit and see it's not been published. I'll slightly rewrite it thinkng it might be some AI censor I have to get through and won't be published again. Then I'll potentially rewrite and it maybe this time it gets through. What's going on with it lol. I miss the days when a comment would simply just get published without worrying about any of this