How bothered would you be by soiled pants?
A couple of weeks ago, a man I’d never seen before was in one of the classes I attend regularly. He took the mat directly beside me, and our studio is not huge so we generally have just about 18in between mats. The instructor cued a sideways forward fold, and when he bent over, it was clear that his pants were soiled. And not just like a minimal smudge; it was a large area, like maybe the size of a large zucchini. Due to the location of the stain, it definitely had not occurred by him sitting on something.
Since that day, he has started coming to the studio a couple of times a week. When he sits somewhere else, I don’t pay any attention to him. But on three occasions, he has chosen to sit next to me, and all three times, we’ve done sideways poses that have placed his bum very close to my face. And ALL THREE times his pants have been fully soiled. This last time, I mentioned something to the front desk person (who I’m very friendly with), and she commented that if it doesn’t smell, she doesn’t see why I care.
Am I crazy to be totally grossed out and to think this is not acceptable?