What got you through your first draft?

I'm going to try to challenge myself over my winter vacation. I will have, roughly, twelve days. I've had the abstract idea for a story in my mind the last few months, and I really want to hunker down on it and just get it onto paper. I don't REALLY expect to finish, but I want to see what happens if I really hone in and try.

If anyone has any tips or lists of things I can do, questions that are important for me to ask myself to make this process more or less streamlined- I would love to hear them. Like I said; this is challenge for myself, considering my biggest issue is always stopping before I can get it out. I know I need to plow through, just get it out and onto the page and then worry about revisions from there, but I would love to hear what got YOU through your first draft.

EDIT: typo