Tell me about your werewolves/lycanthropes!

I'm still working on mine, but here's what I've got so far.

Lycanthropy: A virus that causes a permanent disease. Transformations are random and have nothing to do with a full moon. Transformations can be triggered by environmental factors, such as stress, sleep deprivation, starvation, etc. The virus can go into remission for years at a time, but it can't be cured.

Appearance: I like werewolves that look mangy or weird, somewhat canine, but overall just beastly and sickly. My werewolves are semi-bipedal, they can run and walk on all fours. They're tall, lanky, and thin (but have noticeable musculature). In human form, they have often have thick body hair, longer canine teeth, and their eyes have a layer called tapetum lucidum that reflects light.

Mentality: My werewolves are mostly feral. Not much humanity left in them once they're transformed. Most are viscous in their beastly forms. But in human form, they're usually just like any other person. However, most do have shorter tempers and outbursts of aggression.

Transmission: Similar to rabies, it spreads through saliva, usually from the bite or scratch of an infected individual. When in human form the virus is dormat and doesn't spread. But even in beast form, infection risk is relatively low, even if bitten or scratched. Because of the virus's low infection rate, it compensates by making its host bloodthirsty, insuring the likelihood of it spreading.

Weaknesses: Group 11 metals (copper, silver, and gold) are a lycanthrope's biggest weakness. Due to its associations with purity and the moon, silver is often believed to be the most effective at killing lycanthropes, but copper is actually the most effective, followed by silver, and then gold. While lycanthropes can handle these metals in small amounts, large amounts that come into contact with their blood causes a quick and often deadly autoimmune response. While other things can kill them, lycanthropes have an impressive immune system and regenerative abilities.

Abilities: Just a big and strong beast. Again, they have a strong immune system and regenerative abilities. Lost limbs can be regrown, the nastiest of poisons are just an inconvenience, and so on. They are mortal, but just really robust despite their sickly appearance. They can die of old age, but they age much slower than the average person.