I’m a tourist in your world, what region/country should I avoid at all costs?

As you know, in real life, not all countries are great for tourism. Some treat outsiders like crap, others have really sexist views and cultures, and others are just generally pretty crappy. What countries/regions in your world should I avoid visiting?

I guess I’ll start. On Honeria there is the ancient, landlocked country of Terranguis. Right off the bat, because it’s one of the oldest countries in the world, it has… let’s just say outdated views on male and female Apison, to the point that males are often treated more like pieces of property than living beings. Several female tourists report locals trying to trade stuff for their mates and sons, with some being so aggressive and persistent about it that they wouldn’t stop until they were threatened with violence. While steps have been made in recent times to prevent this sort of behavior, it’s still rampant, especially with older individuals.

Besides the plainly misandrist culture, Terranguis also has a xenophobic view of outsiders, viewing them as pampered and spoiled due to their technological advancements.

Third and not least is the abundance of deadly diseases. Several sicknesses, such as Honerian sleeping sickness, tatterwing, and bulgeye are native to this area, and are hard to cure, have a high mortality rate, and tend to have lasting effects on the victim even when they are treated. This abundance of diseases also makes it difficult and tedious for tourists to return home, as they’ll often be forced to take a quarantine period before and after the trip.

It’s not all bad however, some tourist attractions are notoriously famous, such as the ruins of Rockstage, also known as the first city, the exotic foods, such as fried lion beetle, are tasty (even if some have a chance of poisoning you if not prepared correctly), and the Apison that aren’t sexist, greedy, xenophobic scumbags can be very nice.